
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore ‘Backlash’ Caused by Company’s $70k Minimum Wage

Broadcasts ignore problems caused by dramatic salary increases at Gravity Payments. 
Media Research Center

NBC Hails 'Landmark' Minimum Wage Hike in Seattle as 'Historic Victory for Workers'

In a brief on Tuesday's NBC Today, news anchor Natalie Morales portrayed a minimum wage hike in Seattle as the first step toward a nationwide increase: "Well, with talks across the country ...

Shocking that "Nice" Seattlites Oppose City Homeowner Bailout

"Seattle...began a modest program last month offering loans of up to $5,000 to help a few dozen homeowners avoid losing their homes. Not only are people in Seattle relatively prosperous, but they ...

Suspicious in Seattle? Times Concerned with "Alleged Racial Profiling" on Ferry

The FBI released photos taken on a Puget Sound ferry of two suspicious men and asked the pubilc for help in identifying them. The Times takes a predictable PC angle (and doesn't run the photos).
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