Media Favor Regulation, Barely Notice Failures of Regulators

From the government's 'cozy' relationship with BP, to the SEC's failure to catch Madoff; networks attack businesses, but not regulators for mistakes.

Media Neglect: Populist Rage Aimed at Wall Street as Democrat-Controlled GSEs Ignored

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac disregarded or called a distraction in financial regulation legislation debate.

Cramer Prediction: Goldman to Get Record-Breaking $2-3 Billion Fine and Management May Not Stay

CNBC 'Mad Money' host says government case not 'frivolous'; company will have to settle with SEC.

Santelli Excoriates Liesman for Acting Like Nixon, Saying 'Dumb Things'

CNBC Chicago Mercantile Floor reporter blasts network's chief economics reporter for rationalizing Fed intervention of BoA/Merrill Lynch deal and possible SEC violation.

Rep. Frank: New FDR-style New Deal Financial Regulations by Summer

House Financial Services chair declares major changes coming within six months; Host Rachel Maddow surprised her show 'made some news.'

BB&T CEO: 'Religious Belief' in Affordable Housing, 'Misregulation' Caused Financial Crisis

John Allison says government created problems, media penchant for bad news made situation worse.

'Nightly News' Pushes Auto Bailout in Madoff Scandal Coverage

CNBC correspondent Trish Regan points out alleged Madoff $50 billion Ponzi scheme is 'twice the amount of money the auto companies are asking Congress for.'

Cramer: Stop Deporting Illegal Aliens to Solve Housing Woes

'Mad Money' host details roadmap to financial fix: bail out automakers, utilize more natural gas, end deportations.

Billion-Dollar Fund Manager Predicts Dow 5,000, Gold $2,000

Prudent Bear Funds director advises viewers of Bloomberg TV to move out of equities, into safer investments.

Cramer Slams Government Over Fannie, Freddie Mismanagement

'Mad Money' host decries lack of oversight after GSE stocks plummet on Barrons article warning of federal takeover.
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