Media Research Center

Networks Ignore SEIU Backing for Fast Food Strikes

ABC and NBC also downplay widespread arrests of protesters.
Media Research Center

Fast Food Workers Strike, Demand More Than Double Minimum Wage

Networks downplay extremism as left continues push for ‘living wage.’

Michael Shear Laments Failure to Heed Obama Over Unregulated Campaign Cash Going to GOP

"Flood of Campaign Cash Becomes the Issue," reads the Times online headline over a Michael Shear story. And just how did it "become the issue"? Because the Times and the Democrats want it to be ...

ABC Blames 'Decline of Organized Labor' for Income Stagnation

Reporter Ray Sanchez gives ample story space to SEIU union rep and member, avoids criticism of unions.

ABC, CBS Flock to SEIU-Stacked Anti-Health Insurance Protests

Networks portray labor protests against America's Health Insurance Plans meeting in D.C. as democracy in action.

Networks Ignore Alliances, Thuggery and Lobbying of SEIU

Despite close ties to President Obama, ABC, CBS, NBC almost never mention service employees union.

Stolberg "Surprised" By Unsurprising Event: Wal-Mart Pushing Liberal Agenda

Sheryl Gay Stolberg also failed to quote anyone opposed to a Wal-Mart/labor union alliance pushing a requirement that companies provide health insurance to their workers.

Finally, Times Reveals Left-Wing Unions Behind Anti-Wal-Mart Group

As the pressure group Wal-Mart Watch takes a victory lap, reporter Michael Barbaro finally details the groups close ties to one of the more left-wing unions, SEIU.
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