
Jesse Helms and Mangled Manners

Leftwingers in the news media and the blogosphere embarrassed themselves with meanspirited slurs directed at the fallen American patriot.

Where's the Party (Affiliation)? Democratic Senators Saved from Embarrassment

Democratic Sen. Kent Conrad suffered embarrassment when it turned out he had benefited from a sweetheart mortgage rate from Countrywide Financial, a target of Congressional Democrats. But the ...

Boxer Indifferent to Effect of Higher Oil/Gas Taxes

Liberal Senator tells MSNBC 'tax-breaks, no tax-breaks, we've got to get off this addiction and when we do, we'll be free of them.'

The Times Shows Wishful Thinking on Global Warming

An editorial wonders how the next president will "confront global warming and rising fuel prices?" Yet the Senate bill being debated addresses global raising fuel prices.

Defending Ted Kennedy's Big Spending: "Well, That Is What the Government Is For"

Carl Hulse's tribute to Ted Kennedy: "And few are willing to take the risks that Mr. Kennedy has in attacking the big topics of the day, hammering away at the injustices he sees, leaving him ...

Pressure Builds on Oil Companies - from Lawmakers, Media and Candidates

Networks give a free pass to Democrats' proposals to levy more taxes on oil companies, even as Senate committee grills oil execs.

CBS Omits Skepticism of Homeowner Bailout Plan

'Evening News' acts as if mortgage rescue package is taxpayers' duty since 'the government helped rescue Bear Stearns.'

Global Warming Vote on Snowy Day in Washington

Senate committee debates expensive climate change bill as two inches of snow blanket D.C.

Times Not Totally Frank About Al Franken's Senate Run

A front-page story on Al Franken's run for Senate skipped the controversies over Air America and Franken's "joke" about executing Karl Rove, Lewis Libby and President Bush.
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