Seth MacFarlane

Media Research Center

The Hollywood Reporter: DeGeneres Hosting Oscars to Appease Women, Gays

Oscar looking to change ‘old white man’s club’ label.
Media Research Center

Hookers, Sex Slaves...and Laughs?

The sexual exploitation of teenagers isn't just encouraged on TV. It's promoted as hilarious.
Media Research Center

The Obama Culture Arrives

The slogan for Team Obama in 2012 was "Forward." There's nothing forward about the Obama culture, however. It is down, down, straight down, into the abyss.
Media Research Center

Oscars Splash In The Sewer

The Oscar-show producers named "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane the host of the Academy Awards. MacFarlane used to be the highest-paid sleazeball in TV. Now he is the King of Hollywood.
Media Research Center

That Terrible "Ted" Movie

Seth MacFarlane's profane-teddy-bear movie "Ted" is a box-office smash. His fans cannot consume enough of his pop-culture sewage.
Media Research Center

Not Biased? CNN Has Obama Donor Bill Maher Guest Host for Piers Morgan

The next time CNN denies having any liberal bias, it will have to explain having liberal Obama donor Bill Maher guest-hosting on Friday night during prime-time. Not only is Maher an avowed ...
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