Sex Scandal

Media Research Center

Washington Post Deflects from Virginia Dem’s Election While Serving Jail Sentence

On Tuesday, Joseph Morrissey, Democrat turned Independent, was elected to the Virginia legislature despite currently serving a jail sentence connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl ...
Media Research Center

Joe Scarborough: Anthony Weiner is 'Chuck Yeager of Sex Scandals'

Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough made a strange analogy while discussing the latest Anthony Weiner sex scandal: "You know, let's just say he is the ...
Media Research Center

NY Times' Long, Sympathetic Profile of Disgraced Anthony Weiner Having Intended Effect

The cover story of the upcoming New York Times Sunday magazine is an 8,000-word profile-slash-therapy session for disgraced New York City former congressman Anthony Weiner, he of explicit ...
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