
Media Research Center

‘Irritated’ Former Shell CEO Slams Obama on Keystone

John Hofmeister calls pipeline approval a 'no brainer decision,' criticizes 'broken political process.'

Former Shell CEO Blasts Government for Restricting Free Market

John Hofmeister tells CNBC short-term vision on energy from Washington leaders is costing Americans.

CBS Suggests Government Subsidies to Lower Gas Prices

'The Early Show' blames speculators for high prices again, and suggests countries like Venezuela 'doing a much better job.'

Pressure Builds on Oil Companies - from Lawmakers, Media and Candidates

Networks give a free pass to Democrats' proposals to levy more taxes on oil companies, even as Senate committee grills oil execs.

Network Morning Shows Celebrate 'April Fuel's Day' Bashing 'Big Oil'

Journalists draw parallels between higher gas prices and tax breaks for oil companies on day of congressional hearing.

Morning Show Uses Thanksgiving Travel to Call High Gas Prices 'Highway Robbery'

CNN's 'American Morning' frames story on gas prices as if oil companies are stealing from consumers.

Oil CEO Gets Death Threat for High Gas Prices

CNN downplays danger, still criticizes Shell's John Hofmeister about 'profit reports.'

NPR's $100 Oil Series: Profits Will Be Used for New Exploration

Report explains how higher prices enable companies to invest in the future of energy.

ABC: Why is Shell Taking from Your Grandchildren's College Fund?

'Good Morning America' asks president of Shell Oil if he could 'cut back' on profits.

CNN's Romans: Conservatives Don't Bother Us about Global Warming As Much Anymore

CNN's 'In the Money' crew, way past 'tipping point' on climate, declares debate has 'come a long way' and laughs at companies' efforts to join climate change movement.
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