
CNN Picks Up on Charles Sherrod's 'White Man and His Uncle Toms' Remark

CNN's Joe Johns surprisingly highlighted Charles Sherrod's racially-charged comments about stopping "the white man and his Uncle Toms from stealing our elections" during a segment on Thursday's ...

Keith Olbermann's Colleague Chuck Todd Calls Andrew Breitbart a 'Propagandist'

Chuck Todd works for the same network that employs the likes of MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann, liberal propagandists all, yet it's doubtful Todd would ever call them ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Leave That Sort of Thing To Us

Matt Bai and Frank Rich keep spouting myths about the racist Tea Party, while Kevin Sack wonders why Texans aren't more grateful about Obama-care.

CNN Anchor Now Says He Was Wrong to Let Shirley Sherrod's Smear Go Unchallenged

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper now says it was a mistake for him not to challenge Shirley Sherrod when she appeared on his Anderson Cooper 360 on July 22 and claimed Andrew Breitbart was a "vicious" ...

Now That's Funny: NYT Columnist Accuses Other Media Outlets of 'Tilting the Field'

David Carr, talking about conservative new media...or does he mean the New York Times?: "But what is emerging is more of a permanent crusade, where information is not only power, but a means to a ...

Times Suddenly Concerned About Journalistic Credibility - At Fox News Anyway

Now that's funny. Media reporter Brian Stelter frets about another media outlet's lack of fairness: "But it is an open question whether conservative media outlets risk damage to their credibility ...

Hypocritical Schieffer Lectures on Superiority of 'Old Media' Over 'New Media'

Four months after leading Face the Nation with uncorroborated allegations from left-wing bloggers about racist and homophobic outbursts by anti-Obamacare protesters, spread in an effort to ...

Tapper Goes Out with a Contrarian Take on Sherrod; Donaldson Urges Obama to Exploit 'Enemy' FNC

Picking up on Shirley Sherrod's allegation Andrew Breitbart "would like to get us stuck back in the times of slavery" and "he'd like to see all black people end up again" in slavery, ABC's Jake ...

CNN Anchors Fawn Over Shirley Sherrod, Ask If She Wants Breitbart's Site Shut Down

It wasn't exactly a media-friendly question. CNN co-anchor Kiran Chetry asked Shirley Sherrod on Thursday's "American Morning" if she wanted another news outlet to be shut down entirely ' Andrew ...

CNN's Rick Sanchez: 'I'm Not Ideological;' Spars With Abrams on Sherrod

Rick "I play it down the middle" Sanchez didn't disappoint during the first prime-time edition of CNN's Rick's List on Thursday, as he brought his liberal bias against Fox News to the program. ...
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