
Media Research Center

Massive Doctor Shortage Looming for U.S.; ABC Ignores Connection to ObamaCare

An analysis by the Assocation of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)  concludes that by the year 2020, there will be a shortage of more than 90,000 doctors. The group finds the cause, in ...
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Ethanol Mandates in Most Coverage of Historic Drought

With corn crops dwindling, ethanol fuel requirements are poised to push prices even higher, something ABC, CBS and NBC barely acknowledge.

Media Side with Anti-Coal Environmentalists Despite Urgent Power Needs

Reports on the industry assume coal is bad because of CO2 emissions and rely heavily on left-wing eco groups.

CBS Morning Show: Middle Class 'Facing Hunger'

'Early Show' uses jobless couple as representative of middle-class families.

Cramer on Ethanol: 'Drop the Mandate, Prices Plummet'

CNBC host one of few journalists to connect food inflation to government intervention in market.

Burnett Blames U.S. Rice Craze on 'Paranoia'

CNBC reporter says U.S. has no shortage of rice, blames ethanol for increased pressure on food prices.

Networks Ignore Government's Role in Ethanol-Driven Global Food Crisis

Food inflation and hunger riots tied to ethanol mandate U.S. politicians and journalists supported.

Media Workers Unite for Hit Job on Employment

Not to belabor the point, but journalists rarely mention the hundreds of thousands of available positions in nursing, teaching and manufacturing.
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