3/11/2010 7:23 AM ET
Filmmaker castigates the party in power for not getting health care done and pleads with them to 'do something.'
9/24/2009 1:40 PM ET
Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.
5/1/2008 2:50 PM ET
'Early Show' reports changes in Cuba as milestone toward liberalization, but restricted Communist economy remains.
8/9/2007 1:08 PM ET
CBS repeats data that includes non-citizens.
7/18/2007 3:01 PM ET
Michael Moore, politicians and the media use inflated numbers of those without health insurance to promote universal coverage.
7/13/2007 5:06 PM ET
Filmmaker and host praise one another, Moore attacks insurance companies and profits.
7/11/2007 12:37 PM ET
Medical expert: Moore 'cherry picked' 'SiCKO' data. Filmmaker complains, though both are Democratic donors.
7/10/2007 1:28 PM ET
Filmmaker attacks network for corporate funding, and 'fudging' facts on the 'Situation Room.'
7/3/2007 12:49 PM ET
Magazine reports that U.S. could learn 'valuable lessons' from France, glosses over high taxes and other flaws.
6/27/2007 10:36 AM ET
Media use Michael Moore's new film to fuel campaign for socialized health care in America.