Michael Moore Warns Democrats 'In for an Ass-Whooping of Biblical Proportions in November'

Filmmaker castigates the party in power for not getting health care done and pleads with them to 'do something.'

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism

Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.

CBS Calls Fidel Castro 'Revolutionary Hero,' Touts Brother's Reforms as 'New Era'

'Early Show' reports changes in Cuba as milestone toward liberalization, but restricted Communist economy remains.

'Evening News' Uses Wrong '45 million' Number of Uninsured Americans

CBS repeats data that includes non-citizens.

Health Care Lie: '47 Million Uninsured Americans'

Michael Moore, politicians and the media use inflated numbers of those without health insurance to promote universal coverage.

MSNBC's Olbermann Gives Thanks to Michael Moore

Filmmaker and host praise one another, Moore attacks insurance companies and profits.

CNN's Gupta Battles Moore about 'SiCKO' Stats

Medical expert: Moore 'cherry picked' 'SiCKO' data. Filmmaker complains, though both are Democratic donors.

Moore Blitzes Blitzer, Demands Apology from CNN

Filmmaker attacks network for corporate funding, and 'fudging' facts on the 'Situation Room.'

BusinessWeek Praises French Health Care System

Magazine reports that U.S. could learn 'valuable lessons' from France, glosses over high taxes and other flaws.

Enough Gushing over Moore to Make You 'Sicko'

Media use Michael Moore's new film to fuel campaign for socialized health care in America.
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