
Paris When It Sizzles

Venezuelan Dictator Seizes Oil to Buy Weapons

Networks ignore socialist Chavezs power grab, but attacked Big Oil just for making profits.

ABC Recycles NY Times Story Slamming $165-Million Gift

Vargas calls use of legal tax break audacious; lawyer affiliated with Soros turns up as main source again.

Bubble, Bubble, the Markets Not in Trouble

BusinessWeek calms down rhetoric as real estate boom continues in first quarter, though media continue to worry about a housing bubble.

Ice Age 2: Global Warming for Kids

Creatures scurry as glaciers melt and movie reviewers snark.

Cant Get Enough of that Regulation

Reports about fuel efficiency standards focus on environmentalists complaints and encourage more government meddling in business.

NY Times Finds Nothing Funny in Beer Ads

Reporter portrays advertising opponents as consumer advocates, not industry adversaries.

March Madness: Full-Court Press on Global Warming

Aggressive focus on manmade climate change is far from a real tipping point its a coordinated liberal media play.

Media Declare Warming Debate Ended Again

Journalistic rules of fairness swamped by rising tide of bias from Time, ABC and others.

CNNs Dobbs Scoffs at Extra Port Security

Business anchor treats guest from Hong Kong-based company to rude reception.
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