South Carolina

Media Research Center

NYTimes Op-ed Celebrates Sole African-American Senator as 'Token,' Human Equivalent of Poll Tax

A New York Times op-ed offensively marked the appointment of South Carolina Republican Rep. Tim Scott, an African-American, to the U.S. Senate: "...modern black Republicans have been more tokens ...
Media Research Center

ABC and CBS Skip News of Tim Scott’s Historic Senate Appointment [UPDATED, ABC Spiked in Morning]

[UPDATE, Dec 19: On Tuesday morning, ABC’s Good Morning America spiked the news of Scott’s appointment, yet had time for far more frivolous matters, while CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today ...
Media Research Center

CBS: 'Most Conservative' DeMint Backed 'Far-Right' Republicans; Fails to Label Liberal Colbert

Nancy Cordes couldn't have made outgoing Senator Jim DeMint's conservative credentials clearer on Friday's CBS This Morning, labeling the South Carolina Republican "one of the most conservative ...
Media Research Center

NYT's Peters Notes Gov. Nikki Haley Once Hit With 'Unfounded Blog Report'...But It Ran in the Times

Times media reporter Jeremy Peters defended Republican Gov Nikki Haley of South Carolina from a phony scandal story that made the rounds of the media via Twitter last week, and reminded ...
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