Media Research Center

Networks Hype High Estimate of Shutdown Cost, Job Loss

OMB finds damage to economy just one-fourth the reported size but gets little coverage.

Soros-Funded Media Toe Liberal Line in Debt Coverage

Tax hikes portrayed as only solution by left-wing journalism groups.

USB's Cashin: Market Conditions 'Reminiscent' of Lead Up to 1987 Crash

Market expert and CNBC regular compares current rally to the environment before Oct. 19, 1987 'Black Monday' stock market crash; Calls similarities 'eerie.'

NBC Misleads about Housing Problems

Network claims 'All 20 Cities' in Decline, but CNN shows 'almost 5 percent' gains in Seattle and Charlotte.

Stock Markets and Credit 'Crunch': Free-Market Experts Speak Out

Free-market economists and financial advisors talked to BMI about markets, mortgages and the Federal Reserve.
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