
CNN: Keeping Current Tax Rates is Increasing Government Spending

On Tuesday's Newsroom, CNN tried to spin the proposed compromise between President Obama and congressional Republicans to keep the current tax rates as a "package that increases spending ...

Despite GOP Sweep, Liberals Make Tax, Spending Decisions in Lame Duck Session

Mountain of legislation awaits Congress; taxes, unemployment, Medicare and more may be addressed.

CBS's Smith: How Can Government 'Unleash the Economy And Not Spend Any Money'?

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith saw Republican goals to limit government spending as antithetical to improving the economy: "How do you unleash the economy and not spend any ...

Santelli Urges Focus, Debate over Policy, Instead of Tea Party

CNBC reporter criticizes deficit commission, says country needs 'spending commission.'

David Herszenhorn Warns 'How Much Worse' Things May Get If Brit-Style 'Budget Guillotine Falls Here'

Reporter David Herszenhorn reveals his big-government mindset, seeing only the bad side of potential budget cuts: "And for Americans still furious over the weak economic recovery, the obvious ...

Obama the Tax Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale

Despite Obama's tax hikes and campaign against 'tax cuts' for the wealthy, broadcast evening news shows portray president as taxcutters' champion.

NY Times Reporter Herszenhorn Finds 'Simplistic' GOP Anti-Spending Arguments on Campaign Trail

New York Times reporter David Herszenhorn twice chided G.O.P. campaign rhetoric on spending as "simplistic," dubiously claimed that repealing Obama-care would cost money, and lamented that the ...

Herszenhorn Finds 'Simplistic' GOP Anti-Spending Arguments on Campaign Trail

David Herszenhorn twice chided G.O.P. campaign rhetoric on spending as "simplistic," dubiously claimed that repealing Obama-care would cost money, and lamented that the price of extending the Bush ...

AP Laments 'Productive' Congress 'Gets No Respect From Voters'

To Associated Press writer Jim Abrams, this session of Congress has been "most productive in nearly half a century," but voters are failing to give due credit to the Democratic majorities. Abrams ...

Dear NY Times: Spending Isn't the Problem

Keynesian mythology has it all wrong; lack of private investment is the worry.
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