
NBC's Curry Warns Minuscule Spending Cuts in Debt Deal Could Harm Economy

Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer blamed the debt ceiling standoff for stocks falling on Wall Street: "All people can talk about is the whole slow down that ...

NYT Lead: 'Bipartisan Plan For Budget Deal Buoys President...House Republicans Face Intensifying Pressure to Avoid Isolation'

Jackie Calmes and Jennifer Steinhauer celebrate a "four-page outline" from a group of senators as a victory for Obama: "Financial markets rallied on the news. And with time running out before the ...

Landler Sighs Along With Obama on 'Frustrating,' 'Unreasonable' 'Intransigence of the Republicans'

White House reporter Mark Landler takes sides, shares the president's frustration with Republicans: "And I think the frustration the president has, is, 'Look, I've come three-quarters the way to ...

Only a 'Few Democrats' Voted With NJ Gov. Christie? More Like 30% of Them

An off-lead story on a big win by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie describes passage of a bill with the support of Republicans and "a few Democrats." But 14 out of 47 Democrats sounds closer to a ...

NBC's Gregory Frets Greece-Like Rioting if U.S. Makes 'Draconian' Spending Cuts

On NBC's Sunday Meet the Press, host David Gregory took on an alarmist tone as he worried that any significant attempts to address the nation's enormous debt could lead to violence: "Look at the ...

CBS Host's False Attack on Wisconsin Governor Falls Flat

On Friday's CBS Early Show, co-host Chris Wragge attempted to portray Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's efforts to curb costly benefits for public sector unions in his state as purely political: ...

CBS Hypes: Obama on Same Side as Tea Party on Budget Cuts

On Thursday's CBS Early Show, senior White House correspondent Bill Plante seized on a rare instance in which the Obama administration and conservative members of Congress happened to agree on a ...

G.O.P. on a Spending-Cut 'Frenzy,' 'Destroying Vital Government Programs With Gleeful Abandon'

More of the sober, substantive commentary we've come to expect from the nation's leading newspaper: "But that wasn't enough for [Speaker John Boehner's] fanatical freshmen, who demanded that it be ...

MSNBC's Brewer: 'Meanie Money Enforcer' GOP vs 'Big Heart' Dems in Budget Battle

Opening Wednesday's 12PM ET hour on MSNBC, anchor Contessa Brewer proclaimed that President Obama was "driving Republicans in a corner" by calling their "budget bluff with his big proposal to ...

Ireland's 'Harshest Budget' Leaves No One 'Unscathed,' Reads Alleged News Story

Sarah Lyall reacts badly to spending cuts in Dublin. Confiscatory tax hikes are far more palatable to the Times' liberal world view.
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