
Political Correctness Trumps Feminism on the Front Page

No sexism among American Indian lacrosse players, just those from Duke?

Times Targeted at National Press Club for Politically Correct Coverage of Duke Case

Influential columnist Stuart Taylor targets the New York Times treatment of the Duke "rape" hoax.

Innocent Duke Lacrosse Players Slimed Once Again

Pete Thamel: "Thompson was quick to point out the complexities in the Duke case, which he predicted could be glossed over if the team were to make a run to the national championship. The Duke ...

Times Ignores Errors in Duke "Rape"-Hoax Coverage

The Times has yet to correct its false timeline of the incident, even while quoting the North Carolina Attorney General's report that shows it's wrong.

Prominent Critics Rip Into Awful Coverage of the Duke "Rape" Hoax

Former Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent called the Times' coverage "heartbreaking."

Keep Me Out of the Ball Game

The Super Bowl Sinkhole

Bozell: Rush is Right About Liberal Sports Reporters - Press Release - October 3, 2003 - Media Research Center

Bozell: Rush is Right About Liberal Sports Reporters


The Post and Others: Rash on Rush

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