
Sad-Sack Economics Reporter Puts on Happy Face: A 'Vigorous Recovery' Has Arrived!

Chronically pessimistic Peter Goodman is suddenly Mr. Happy about the U.S. economic recovery: "At malls from New Jersey to California, shoppers are snapping up electronics and furniture, as fears ...

Jackie Calmes Pities Obama's Full Plate, Again Lauds His 'Stimulus' Package

The world keeps intruding as Mr. Obama tries to execute his promised pivot" on the economy. But one of those intrusions is Obama's own health care agenda.

Times Lead Story: Economists Say Stimulus Is Working, Dems Jump for Joy

Democrats love a Times' lead story suggesting most economists think the stimulus is working - and that we also need another one.

Tax 'Cuts,' Tax Hikes, Media Back Obama Either Way

Cable and network news applaud Obama's stimulus bill for 'tax breaks,' but barely explain president's proposed tax hikes in the 2010 budget.

Splitting the GOP, One Label-Heavy Front-Page Story at a Time

Today's story marks the second front-page story in six days on the ideological split between the Republican Congress and Republican governors over Obama's "stimulus package."

Maine Senators Who Helped Obama "No Ordinary Republicans"

The Times' timely fawning over the two Republican senators from Maine who are helping make Democrats' big-spending dreams come true.

Fox Biz Block: Pork, 'Massive' Debt and More Reasons to Oppose Stimulus

Several analysts on FNC's 'Cost of Freedom' shows condemn Obama's fear-mongering and go on the record against the stimulus bill.

Dear NY Times: Let's Not Create Another Bubble

Rich's op-ed complains about the jobs mirage caused by the housing bubble, but fails to criticize the stimulus package for doing the same.

'Bulls & Bears' Guest Can't Find Example of Stimulus Success

Talk radio host and stimulus bill proponent Leslie Marshall was asked, but couldn't name an economic recovery linked to stimulus.

Cramer and Matthews: Where's the Infrastructure Spending?

Even CNBC 'Mad Money' and MSNBC 'Hardball' hosts question the stimulative effects of congressional Democrats' bill.
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