Appearing on Wednesday's NBC Today, CNBC Mad Money host Jim Cramer blamed the debt ceiling standoff for stocks falling on Wall Street: "All people can talk about is the whole slow down that ...
On Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry touted President Obama trying to scare the American people into supporting his debt ceiling plan: "He called for public activism, so much so that we hear ...
Appearing on Wednesday's CBS Early Show, business correspondent Rebecca Jarvis expressed disappointment in the lack of a new stimulus package, but hoped for other government action: "...while the ...
'Mad Money' host says White House has other levers of power to use against BP; points out from exploration standpoint oil is 'greatest find of all time.'
Market expert and CNBC regular compares current rally to the environment before Oct. 19, 1987 'Black Monday' stock market crash; Calls similarities 'eerie.'