
Miss America Contestant Tepid about Occupy Wall Street, Loses Competition

Miss New York gives mild support for OWS, judges award her runner up
Media Research Center

99 Percent? Top 25 Occupy Wall Street Backers Worth $4 Billion

Celebrities attacking the 1 percent are themselves millionaires.
Media Research Center

Twas an Occupier Christmas

In which the 99 percent get a visit from Soros-Claus.
Media Research Center

Left, Obama Escalate War on Banks into Dangerous Territory

Media help liberals demonize so-called 'banksters' and put executives at risk.
Media Research Center

Occupying the Classroom: NYU to Offer Class in Occupy Wall Street

Media's favorite protest to become a college course, despite irony of OWS classroom walk outs and protests of student loans.
Media Research Center

Occupiers Protest Free Art Museum to Bash Wal-Mart

Alice Walton, Wal-Mart heiress, criticized by Occupy Wall Street for giving $1.4 billion to found Arkansas art museum.

Occupy Wall Street Crowd Blind to Benefits of Capitalism

Like in 'Life of Brian,' protesters assume medicine, material goods will exist without the economic system that makes them possible.

Occupiers Attack Police with High-Tech Intimidation

'Doxing' used to target police at protests also a popular tactic of hacker group Anonymous.

Washington Post: Jesus Would Support Occupy Wall Street

'On Faith' contributor takes liberal view of Occupy Wall Street, ignores internal contradictions.

Occupy Wall Street Nothing Like Tea Party

Lefty protests filled with anti-Americans, Communists, Socialists and Anarchists who all want 'revolution' and to 'f*** the USA.'
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