
NYT's Front-Page Hit on Clarence Thomas's 'Ethically Sensitive Friendship' All Fizzle

3,000 words on Sunday's New York Times front page about alleged ethical questions surrounding Justice Clarence Thomas add up to...not much: "The project throws a spotlight on an unusual, and ...

NYT's Front-Page Hit on Clarence Thomas's 'Ethically Sensitive Friendship' All Fizzle

3,000 words on Sunday's front page about alleged ethical questions surrounding Justice Clarence Thomas add up to...not much: "The project throws a spotlight on an unusual, and ethically sensitive, ...

Networks that Excused Nazi Signs for Scott Walker's Collective Bargaining Law Now Skim Over Its Vindication

The network morning shows on Wednesday offered a scant 41 seconds to a major Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling permitting the state's collective bargaining law to go into effect. These are the same ...

NBC Skips Supreme Court Ruling Freeing Thousands of Criminals and Scalia's Warning of 'Terrible Things'

NBC's Nightly News on Monday and the Today show on Tuesday ignored a controversial, ideologically divided Supreme Court ruling that ordered California to release at least 38,000 prisoners. ABC, ...

Front-Page Embrace for Free Speech of 'God Hates Fags' Folk, But Not for Political Speech

The lead sentence to Adam Liptak's lead story today on the free-speech victory for the funeral picketers of Westboro: "The First Amendment protects hateful protests at military funerals, the ...

Times Editorializes for Justice Thomas to Talk More to Show He's Not Corrupt

Hypocritical concern for Thomas's reputation: "When the Supreme Court hears arguments next week, it will mark the fifth anniversary of Justice Clarence Thomas's silence during oral argument - ...

Sunday Front Page: Clarence Thomas Caught in Quiet-Gate Controversy!

News you can use: "The anniversary will probably be observed in silence. A week from Tuesday, when the Supreme Court returns from its midwinter break and hears arguments in two criminal cases, it ...

Linda Greenhouse Celebrates the Shifting Constitution, Denigrates Free-Speech Decision on Campaign Finance

Linda Greenhouse, the Times' former Supreme Court reporter and confessed liberal, describes the Constitution as a document that moves with the Times: "...the Constitution is a participant in a ...

How Nice: Justice Sotomayor 'Alert to the Humanity' of People in Her Opinions

Liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor "has displayed a quality - call it what you will - that is alert to the humanity of the people whose cases make their way to the Supreme Court," says Supreme Court ...

CBS's Pelley Promotes Claim Supreme Court 'Stole' 2000 Election for Bush in John Paul Stevens Interview

In a softball interview with retired liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on Sunday's 60 Minutes, correspondent Scott Pelley touted Stevens's opposition to the court ruling on the 2000 ...
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