
Down a Dark Abby

The Culture and Media Institutes analysis of Dear Abbys 2007 columns reveals that the worlds leading advice columnist cannot be trusted to promote traditional sexual morality but she can be ...

Toxic Beverly Hills

Five minutes into the family hour, the lame, recycled 90210 opened with – an oral sex scene.

Let's Talk About Sex

Newsweek provides great tips for parents on how to talk to young teens about sex but needs to emphasize parental monitoring of teens' entertainment choices.

Sex on a Plane: MTV Runs Ad Showering Airline Passengers with Condoms

San Francisco Planned Parenthood chapter uses gay character to pitch the pill, the patch and latex.

The MTV Disconnect

The network's own survey shows that family and faith, not sex, are what make young Americans happy. Guess what's on the nightly broadcast schedule.

Back to School Teen Shoppers Clamor for Luxury Items Sported by Celebs

Entertainment media and advertisers are promoting the wrong values and the wrong role models.
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