
How 'Non-Violent' Is the Muslim Brotherhood?

Twice in two days, the Times has insisted the Egyptian Islamist group has renounced violence. Yet the group's Palestinian branch is Hamas, a terrorist organization committed to the destruction of ...

Stolberg Paints Picture of Ever-Vigilant Obama, Omits Jim Clapper's Intelligence Lapse

A puff piece by Sheryl Gay Stolberg tries to show the Obama administration as vigilant in the war on terror: "Against that backdrop, the White House has made substantive and public relations ...

NYT Already Pushing 'Entrapment' Defense in Case of Islamic Would-Be Christmas Tree Bomber

The Times is already pushing the "entrapment" defense in the case of the Portland Christmas-tree bomber, sympathizing with local Muslims in opposition to the anti-terror investigation. And after ...

Terrorist Helper Lori Berenson, a Mere 'Outcast' Guilty of 'Youthful Outburst' and Past 'Mistakes'?

Simon Romero excuses terrorist helper Lori Berenson's "youthful outburst" of support of the Marxist terrorists of Peru's MRTA (she was 26) and wonders why the people of Peru, who suffered mightily ...

NY Times Preens Over Publishing Stolen Cables, But Was Snooty Over Swiped Climate-Gate Email

NYT Executive Editor Bill Keller on why the Times published confidential diplomatic cables obtained illegally by WikiLeaks: "For The Times to ignore this material would be to deny its own readers ...

Times Preens Over Publishing Stolen Cables, But Was Snooty Over Swiped Climate-Gate Email

Executive Editor Bill Keller on why the Times published confidential diplomatic cables obtained illegally by Wikileaks: "For The Times to ignore this material would be to deny its own readers the ...

Washington Post Columnist to Upset Air Travelers: 'Grow Up, America'

Calling the uproar over the new TSA screening procedures "overblown" in her November 24 column, Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus praised the majority of Americans polled who are okay with the ...

Cenk Uygur Bizarrely Bellows: Ghailani Trial Shows 'Our Justice System Worked'

While most of the country took a collective gasp over the verdict in the trial of al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani, Cenk Uygur spun the disconcerting outcome as a success story for the Obama ...

Far-Left Center for Constitutional Rights Promoted to 'Human Rights Group' Once Again

The Times labeling philosophy is out of whack, as far-left group working on behalf of Yemeni terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki is called a "human rights group."

YouTube Jihad: American Terror Imam Reaching Muslim Youth Online

Sermons calling for jihad can be found on social networking sites.
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