Terry McAuliffe

Media Research Center

Hillary's Wacky Poor-House Claims

NBC's Chuck Todd asked a different set of questions about Hillary Clinton and the money scandals.
Media Research Center

Who's Dour About Virginia?

The Wall Street Journal editorial page opened up a circular firing squad against the Tea Party and Ken Cuccinelli after Virginia voted.
Media Research Center

Heilemann Warns Dems Against Rejoicing Over 'Horrible Candidate' Cuccinelli Losing

Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell, New York magazine's John Heilemann described Virginia GOP gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli as a "horrible candidate" as ...
Media Research Center

Not a Shock: 'Independent' Washington Post Endorses Democrats in 20 of 27 Races

The Washington Post, which touts itself as "an independent newspaper," endorsed Democrats in 20 out of 27 races leading up to election day in Virginia. In the three statewide races, the paper's ...
Media Research Center

Terry McAuliffe's Anti-Catholic Campaign

Terry McAuliffe is running a transparently, viciously anti-Catholic campaign all over television, trashing Ken Cuccinelli as a woman-hating extremist for backing proposals that line up with ...
Media Research Center

The Media vs. Conservatives, 2013 Edition: Virginia Newspapers’ Viciously Negative Coverage of GOP Gubernatorial Candidate

Just as the national media helped tip the scales in the 2012 presidential contest, an MRC study of the four largest newspapers in Virginia found that GOP gubernatorial candidate Ken ...
Media Research Center

NBC Political Editor: If Hillary Were Running in Virginia, She'd Be Winning by a Landslide!

On Tuesday's MSNBC Daily Rundown, NBC senior political editor Mark Murray dismissed the notion that if Democrat Terry McAuliffe lost the closely contested Virginia governor's race, it would ...
Media Research Center

PBS's Bellantoni Sees 'Very Conservative' Cuccinelli, 'Fighting Against' 'Freedoms' Like Abortion

Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Melissa Harris-Perry show on MSNBC, PBS's Christina Bellantoni labeled Virginia Republican gubernatorial nominee Ken Cuccinelli as "very conservative," but, when ...

NYT: Republican Cuccinelli Is Controversial in Virginia Gov. Race, but Not Ex-Clintonite Terry McAuliffe?

New York Times reporter Trip Gabriel saw a controversial candidate on one side of the Virginia governor's race, perhaps the biggest political race this year – Republican Kenneth Cuccinelli, ...
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