On Thursday's World News, ABC News correspondent Terry Moran acted like it was a big surprise that newly-elected Pope Francis stands by the Catholic Church's teachings on sexuality: "Now, as the ...
During live coverage, Wednesday, of the announcement that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio had been chosen the new pope, two of ABC's journalists insisted that the Argentinian would help "revive" the ...
Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran on Tuesday could barely contain his excitement on Inauguration Day, extolling the "President with a purpose" and his "history-making call to action." Moran, who has ...
Apparently, opponents of gay marriage all look the same to ABC. As reporter Terry Moran on Friday highlighted the news that the U.S. Supreme Court will hear two cases on the issue of same sex ...
Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran on Wednesday couldn't be bothered with spending much time on the scandal in Libya that left four Americans dead. Instead, he thrilled over the President's ...
A sneering Terry Moran on Wednesday night slammed an out-of-touch Republican Party in the wake of Barack Obama's reelection. According to Moran, Rush Limbaugh showed "contempt" for the President's ...
Reporter and Barack Obama acolyte Terry Moran on Monday attended the President's last rally as a candidate, wistfully recalling the "magic" of the Democrat's past campaigns. Moran reminisced, ...
The worst bias of 2006: ABC’s Terry Moran gets a thrill for Barack Obama
(“Is he the one?”); AP touts the “comforts” of Castro’s communist
dictatorship; and daytime talk show host Rosie ...
Chief Justice John Roberts may have angered conservatives with his decisive vote in favor of ObamaCare, but he was, in CBS anchor Scott Pelley’s words, the “man of the hour” on all three network ...
In live coverage right after the Supreme Court upheld ObamaCare, ABC's
anchors and reporters praised Chief Justice John Roberts for siding with
the liberals. George Stephanopoulos insisted ...