On Tuesday night, ABC's George Stephanopoulos informed, "...Vice President Biden just before the speech gave a call to Democrats. And he summed up the speech with this phrase, Bin Laden is dead, ...
Nightline co-host Terry Moran on Monday condemned the "cruel" and "inaccurate" attacks liberal Fox News anchor Alan Colmes made about Rick Santorum and the "crazy" way he handled the death of his ...
Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran on Tuesday huffed that Rick Perry's "controversial" ad, combined with a presidential campaign that could be seen as "denigrat[ing]" "non-Christians" and "gay ...
Nightline co-anchor Terry Moran delivered a surprisingly positive assessment of Tim Tebow on Monday night, lauding the Christian quarterback as "inspired," "lifted up" and "strengthened" by "a ...
According to Nightline anchors Terry Moran and Bill Weir, new Republican Senator Rand Paul is "radical," "controversial" and longs to take a chainsaw to the Department of Education. Using ...
ABC's Terry Moran trumpeted new Justice Elena Kagan: "The one word that leapt to my mind was 'ready,'" touting how "she was confident and well prepared and fluent and probing" and, at one moment, ...
TV journalists have decided Sarah Palin, the Pope ' and even Pat Robertson ' are now sources of wisdom. Katie Couric teased: "Despite condemnation from the Vatican...that Christian minister in ...
In quite a contrast to tagging of the Bush and Obama Supreme Court nominees as "conservative," on Monday night ABC and NBC refrained from applying any ideological description to Supreme Court ...