
A Commercial for Adultery?

A dating service for married people claims it's not enabling cheaters. Their slogan, Life's short, have an affair, says otherwise.

Texas Legislature's "Archconservative Speaker" Ousted, Times Relieved

Thank goodness: In the Texas legislature, the "archconservative speaker" has been ousted in favor of a Republican "who has not toed the conservative line on issues like abortion and gay rights."

New York Times Bemoans Killer's Execution

In its zeal to oppose capital punishment, the Gray Lady suggests Texas should bow to 'international law.'

Good News on NBC: Texas Economy Booming Under Oil Rush

'Nightly News' segment details how economy is flourishing and says boom 'could pay off nationwide.'

"Texans Beat Big Coal, And a Film Shows How"

Cheerleading for Robert Redford and his alliance of environmentalists against Big Coal - in the news section.

Sudden New Respect for Property Rights - When It Comes to Protecting Illegals

"Many outraged South Texans" are "fearful of being cut off from parts of their own land or access to the Rio Grande for livestock and crops."

New Law Passed, Texans Already Going Kill-Crazy

Reporter Gretel Kovach: "A Texas rock musician was shot to death here early Monday by a neighbor who fired through a closed door, thinking he was scaring off a burglar. The incident occurred just ...

Media to U.S.: Lose the Guns, Get Sophisticated

Journalists bemoan American 'gun culture,' ignoring facts and common sense in their dramatic attempts at persuasion.

Paul Krugman Takes on Bushie "Theocrats" and Their "Strategy of Infiltration"

Horrors! "But did you know that Rachel Paulose, the U.S. attorney in Minnesota...is, according to a local news report, in the habit of quoting Bible verses in the office?"

At Last: The Real Story Behind SMU's Opposition to Bush Library

A week later, reporter Ralph Blumenthal finally gets the story on the liberal academics fighting a George W. Bush library at Southern Methodist University.
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