Media reporter Brian Stelter "inverts the story" to make Glenn Beck a villain and a leftist advocate of violence a hero, claims the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto. "In the paper's telling, ...
Jeremy Peters celebrates success at the far-left Nation that has yet to occur: "Despite all the gloom, could last week's Democratic pummeling actually have a silver lining for The Nation, once ...
Good Morning America on Friday promoted an attack piece by the liberal magazine The Nation against Lou Dobbs. In the two segments devoted to whether or not the populist host hired illegal ...
Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell suggests the Civil War settled federal government's right to dictate health insurance policy was settled by .
Henry Alford gushed that "the diversity and intellectual accomplishments of the 460 were fairly staggering." Plus: disagraced anti-Bush CBS news producer Mary Mapes cracks jokes while killjoy ...
"Jeremy Scahill's muckraking book 'Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army,'...[is] a crackling expose of the secretive military contractor Blackwater USA, which Scahill ...