
Times Leaves a Lot Out of Profile of Inflammatory 'Occupy' Instigator Kalle Lasn

Adbusters editor Kalle Lasn is credited by the Times with branding and inspiring the Occupy movement. What reporter William Yardley left out: Lasn's authorship and the title of Adbusters notorious ...

NYT Sunday Mag: 'What if Our Kids Really Believed We Wanted Them to Have Great Sex?'

From explicit sex education, to praise for left-wing idol Elizabeth Warren, to another attack on fracking in Pennsylvania, the Sunday Magazine pushed liberalism from all angles this weekend.

Your Weekly Out-of-Nowhere Reagan-Bashing, Courtesy of the Sunday Review

Former poet laureate Robert Hass claims police brutality, then explains how it's all Reagan's fault: "Another of the contingencies that came to my mind was a moment 30 years ago when Ronald ...

The GOP vs. Public Opinion on the Necessity of Tax Hikes

Economics reporter Catherine Rampell traces the GOP's stubborn refusal to raise taxes back to the 1970s and the Laffer Curve.

With Boys on Girls Swim Team, NYT's Support for Gender Equity Takes a Sudden Dive

Karen Crouse on a Massachusetts rule allowing boys to compete on girls' swim teams: "With every stroke they take, the boys are displacing more than water. They could knock girls off the awards ...

'Balanced' Times 'Reporter' Kate Zernike Waxes Sarcastic on Tea Party 'Hearings'

Tea Party beat reporter Kate Zernike uses up her quote of sarcastic quotation marks in a story on an unofficial Tea Party hearing: "[Republican Sen. Mike] Lee promptly led the activists down the ...

Jodi Kantor's Latest Fawnathon Over Michelle Obama

More hard-hitting Times coverage of the First Lady: "In an administration in which so much has gone awry, Michelle Obama has become a dependable source of good news....Will the president's ...

NYT's Photo Propaganda for Occupy Wall Street

Fawning over nose-rings: "He was drawn to the diversity of his subjects: both vibrant characters and next-door-neighbor types."

Playing Defense: NYT's Oppel Says It's 'Falsehood' for Perry to Call Obama Elitist

Richard Oppel Jr.: "As Mr. Perry has painted himself as the cure for Washington's ills, however, some his recent attacks have drifted into the realm of falsehood, repeating some of the themes of ...

Times Avoids Word 'Obama,' Buries Story on Plea to Delay Solyndra Layoff News

The Times buried revelations that the Obama administration asked Solyndra to delay announcing it would lay off workers until after the 2010 midterm elections, not even mentioning the word "Obama." ...
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