Eric Lichtblau: "...both of these operations are still in existence without any impact on their ability to function. In both cases, we were warned that the plug would be pulled on these programs ...
Scott Shane's front-page story celebrates the left-wingers at Firedoglake for their work from the Libby trial, ignoring the conservative master of Plame-gate details, Tom Maguire.
The former Times reporter on Christian Right leaders: "...what they have done is pervert, destroy, and hollow out the actual heart of the Christian religion. I mean look at the little empires that ...
Dennis Overbye: "In [Sagan's] absence, the public discourse on his favorite issues...has not fared well. The teaching of evolution in public schools has become a bitter bone of contention...and of ...
The editor of the Times political blog seems sympathetic to the offensive tag team of bloggers Marcotte and McEwan, who resigned from the Edwards campaign after their hateful posts became an issue.
Executive Editor Bill Keller: "...the government has no particular interest in telling you if they're doing something that's illegal or abusive. That's why we exist."
News you can use? Among Felicia Lee's big scoops in her flattering article about black radio talk show host Tom Joyner: Mr. Joyner's show blends such interviews with radio staples like news, ...