
Correcting Zernike's Misleading Kerry "Joke" Story

The Times admits its story on Kerry's apology was wrong.

Is Pelosi's Liberalism Only a Republican "Caricature"?

Zernike also writes today: "For Republicans and the White House, Mr. Kerry's 'botched joke' Monday was manna from Massachusetts, that reliable redoubt of liberal caricatures..."

Kakutani on Bush-Defender John Yoo's "Preposterous" New Book

Leading book critic Michiko Kakutani again displays her refusal to debate conservative arguments, merely dismissing them as prima facie ridiculous.

NYT's Political Blog "The [Democratic] Caucus"

Editor Kate Phillips: "And with the controversy over Senator John Kerry's 'botched joke' presumably (please) leaving the airwaves and the front pages after today...."

"Centrist" Lieberman, but "Anti-War" (Not Liberal) Lamont

More labeling bias by Raymond Hernandez, who devoted much of his past reporting to positioning Hillary Clinton as a moderate.

Reporter Kate Zernike Helps Kerry Out Again

Zernike somehow misses what everyone in America into politics already knows: Kerry's "flubbed joke" didn't mention Bush at all.

Still Spinning for Kerry's "Stuck In Iraq" Gaffe

The Times suggests that attacking Kerry and defending U.S. troops is a bad strategy for Bush.

Barack Obama Only "Sounds Like" a Liberal?

Sen. Obama gets the Hillary Clinton centering treatment.

Richard Berke Bashes Blogs that Criticize the Times

Conventional liberal wisdom reigns at a Times Talks gathering on the Upper West Side, where Assistant Managing Editor Richard Berke gripes about "mean-spirited" blogs that interfere with reporters ...

Spinning Kerry's Insult of U.S. Troops

"Part of Mr. Kerry's outrage may arise from memories of 2004, when a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth raised allegations, never substantiated, that he had exaggerated his wartime exploits."
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