
Still Ignoring Cynthia McKinney's Nutty Conspiracy Theories

Brenda Goodman follows up on her story on the Democratic primary loss by inflammatory Rep. Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, but lets her allies blame the Republicans and again ignores McKinney's ...

Ned Lamont's Band of Irate...Moderates?

An editorial ludicrously tries to portray vengeful anti-Lieberman bloggers and anti-war activists as moderates.

More Photo Controversy at the Times

The Times checks out the authenticity of several photos it used from disgraced photographer Adnan Hajj, the Reuters freelancer caught doctoring photos from Lebanon to make damage caused by Israel ...

Republican Have "Exploited Ruthlessly" Their Advantage on National Security

Nagourney cringes again at "ruthless" Republican rhetoric emanating from Republicans concerning the war on terror.

Hiding Rep. Cynthia McKinney's Nutty Views

Meet Rep. Cynthia McKinney and her "forceful persona" (never mind her anti-Israel stands, "Bush knew" 9-11 conspiracy theories, and other paranoid rants).

Israel's "Ferocity" in Response to Terror

Ethan Bronner seems taken aback by the "ferocity" of Israel's "harsh" response to Hezbollah's historical terrorism -or what the Times calls "armed provocation.

News Flash: Politicians Engaging in Politics!

Rachel Swarns is apparently worried that conservative Republicans will inform voters about their proposals to battle illegal immigration: "But some Democratic and Republican lawmakers said the ...

The Myth of Max Cleland, Redux

Has anyone at the Times actually watched the 2002 campaign ad that allegedly "paired" Max Cleland with Osama bin Laden?

Castro "the Prisoner"?

Thousands of dissidents would beg to differ with Anthony DePalma's description.

Barbaro Leaves Out Wal-Mart Employee's Ties to Left-Wing Web Group

One of Times reporter Michael Barbaro's sources for anti-Wal-Mart material is WakeUpWalMart.com. Even so, he failed to mention that Cynthia Murray, a Wal-Mart employee he cited in his August 8 ...
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