
Times Laments Lack of Blacks on TV, Uses "Redneck"

The Times' Edward Wyatt uses the word "redneck" in a politically correct story arguing for greater racial diversity on television.

Tear Down Those Anti-Capitalist Manifestos, Comrades

Really? "The Shining Path Maoists now embrace capitalism in the form of an illicit business."

False "Moderation" from Legal Reporter Neil Lewis

With the first judicial pick of the Obama administration, the Times carries on its tradition of calling liberal judges (like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg) "moderate."

Assaulting Bush in Phony War Over "Academic Freedom"

Magazine writer James Traub uses left-wing controversy over plans for a Bush presidential center at Southern Methodist University to talk another assault on Bush's legacy.

Conservatives Are Doomed, This Time in...Utah?

Kirk Johnson sees the death of conservatism in the repeal of a Utah liquor law and celebrates the state's moderate GOP governor Jon Huntsman Jr.

Columnist Roger Cohen Defends Anti-Israel Chas Freeman

Last week Cohen said he was ashamed by Israel's actions and called for the recognition of Hamas. This week, he defends the vituperatively pro-Saudi, anti-Israel Chas Freeman, who has suggested ...

McCain's "Strong Economy" vs. Obama's "Sound Economy"

When John McCain claimed "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," the Times hammered him as out of touch and ignorant about economics. How will they treat Obama's almost-identical statement?

Getting Cute with the Catholic Church

Rachel Donadio reported the Vatican's public relations blunder in the case of a Holocaust-denying bishop and went on to describe "a 2,000-year-old monarchy...run by octoganerians."

Liberal Timothy Egan Passes Moral Judgment on "Truly Awful Rich People"

Egan celebrates the death tax and wonders if there's a Hell painful enough for Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay, and Leona Helmsley.

Times Announces New "Conservative" Columnist, Underlines He's a Moderate

Ross Douthat (pictured) is the new young face of conservatism at the Times. But how conservative is he?
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