
More Strange Bedfellows: Times Aligns With Business, Docs vs. GOP

In two consecutive lead stories, the Times take the side of business organizations in spats against Republican policies.

McCain Speeches Are "YouTube Fodder" - But Obama Never Makes Gaffes?

Another story on McCain's verbal gaffes - but the Times has yet to mention Obama's claim to have visited 57 states, or any of his other odd statements.

Conservatives Making "Racially Tinged Remarks" Against Obama

Reporter Patrick Healy: "McCain advisers also say they are wary of unleashing allies to attack Mr. Obama, given how some conservatives have overstepped and been criticized for racially tinged ...

Jesse Helms' "Hard-Edged Conservatism" Opposed to Everything Good

No love for the "right-wing" senator from North Carolina: "Jesse Helms...whose courtly manner and mossy drawl barely masked a hard-edged conservatism that opposed civil rights, gay rights, foreign ...

One Month In, NYT's Campaign Coverage Obviously Pro-Obama

Obama's June 5-July 5 coverage was positive by a 3:1 ratio. McCain's coverage was negative, by the same ratio.

Adam Nagourney: OK With Obama's Centrist Head Fakes

The Times guards Obama's "brand" as a different kind of politician, despite his flip-flopping on guns and other issues.

Unconstitutional Ignorance on the Editorial Page

The same court which last week held up a vital civil liberty - individual gun ownership - is accused of "stripping away civil liberties" in today's lead editorial.

Newsworthy: Long Sunday Profile Gives Limbaugh a Fair Shake

When the Times runs a long profile of Rush Limbaugh that doesn't actually caricature its subject as a bombastic, cigar-chomping mocker of the downtrodden, it's worth a mention.

Today's Lead Story: "Gloom" From "Awful Sales Numbers" Means Plummeting Economy

The Times' gloomiest economics reporter Peter Goodman leads with "awful sales numbers" for autos, and paints an economy headed for the abyss.

Times Huffs at "Entirely False Rumors" Spread About Obama in "Small-Town America"

Brian Knowlton in the Times' international edition: "An article in The Washington Post on Monday summed up the entirely false rumors being widely circulated in small-town America this way: that ...
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