
Ugh: NYT Celebrates Fashion Sense of March Rioters in London

The Times asks of the March riots in London protesting reductions in government education spending: "What do you wear when protest and mayhem rock your world?"

NYT Style Mag 'T': No to the 'Cult of the Virgin Mary,' Yes to Ground Zero Imam

Holly Brubach gets seriously anti-Catholic in "T," the Times style magazine: "[Marina] Warner's scholarly survey of the shape-shifting that Mary has undergone over the past two millennia ...

NYT Style Mag 'T' Treats Julian Assange As Pop Icon, Purveyor of Truths

A writer for the Times' style magazine credits Julian Assange with giving "The Gift of Information" this Christmas season: "In contrast to the petabytes of data flotsam, half-truths and ...
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