
Media Research Center

New York Times Touts ‘Plain Packaging,’ Downplays Impact of Taxes on Tobacco

Business story supports pro-regulatory position of Times editorial board which attacked tobacco 24 times in two years.
Media Research Center

USA Today Hypes Anti-Gun Study by Lefty Advocacy Group on Front Page

New study by Soros-linked Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation claims ‘gun violence’ costs $12 billion every year.

Soda Pop As Dangerous as Cigarettes?

Economics writer David Leonhardt gets a little melodramatic: "Someday, we will probably look back on our gallon-a-week soda habit the way we now look back on allowing children to ride without seat ...

Soda = Big Tobacco, According to No-Fun NYT Food Writer Mark Bittman

In addition some copy editor at the Times has a puritanical relationship with snacks: To help dam the river of sugared drinks that Americans pour into ever-fatter bodies each year, some suggest a ...

'Mad Money' Cramer: 'Demonize' Unhealthy Foods to 'Embarrass People' to Lower Health Costs

Financial advice host advocates using publicity tactics similar to what was used against the tobacco business to influence behavior.

Media Accuse Cancer Research of 'Concealing' Funding

Study published in The New England Journal of Medicine rejected by media because of funding, not science.

No Respect for the Dead

The Times finds it necessary to bring up a scientist and global warming skeptic's ties to the tobacco industry in an obituary.

Thou Shalt Tax Every Sin

Taxation is media solution to funding its preferred causes and punishing 'wrong' behavior like smoking, eating junk food and spewing carbon.

A Rarely Seen Side of the Tobacco Story

WSJ shows one alternative to tobacco is ... tobacco?
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