
The Nanny State Diaries

Nine of the most business-hurting, freedom-hating and logic-bending regulations and bans on the books - and how the media love them.

Pelosi Dodges Drilling Question; Blames Bush for Economic Downturn

'Today' co-host Meredith Vieira doesn't press House Speaker about blocking vote on offshore oil drilling.

NBC's Today Promotes Nude Vacations

Co-anchor Kathie Lee Gifford offers a novel take on what constitutes a family vacation.

Babies Raising Babies

NBC responds to the rising teen birth rate with a show that uses children, infants through teens, as human guinea pigs.

Newsweek: Anti-Drilling Obama 'More in Touch with Voters' on Energy

Fineman cites poll findings: Obama ahead of McCain by 14 percent on 'energy,' but other polls show a majority of Americans favor drilling offshore and in ANWR.

Media Claim Ed McMahon Victim of 'Subprime Mess'

Journalists link foreclosure to economy instead of from his own admitted blunders.

The Great Media Depression

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

Kirk Cameron's Faith Embraced on The View

Evangelical Christianity is okay when it's proclaimed by a heartthrob.

Deja Vu: 'Today' Inflates Gas Prices

NBC morning show uses longtime network visual trick to make gas prices seem higher.

Senators Warn Bill Could Spike Gas $1.50 to $5 a Gallon

Inhofe, Sessions blast massive costs of global warming legislation.
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