
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer: On Libya, Obama 'Pointedly Chastised' Romney for 'Politicizing a Tragedy'

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer played the part of Obama campaign stooge when he promoted the President deflecting Libya criticism by slamming Mitt Romney: "...[He] firmly and ...
Media Research Center

NBC Asks Biden About Obama 'Disqualifying' Romney; Asks Ryan if Obama 'Won Back Momentum'

Displaying a stunning double standard on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie gave Vice President Joe Biden plenty of room to applaud President Obama's debate performance, while ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Seacrest to Michelle Obama: Does President 'Look to You for Encouragement' During Debates?

In a fawning softball interview with First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday's NBC Today, special correspondent Ryan Seacrest was eager to know how she helps the President during debates: "What did ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer and Jennifer Granholm Demand Romney Explain His 'Move to the Middle'

On Tuesday's NBC Today, during a panel discussion previewing the second presidential debate, co-host Matt Lauer mandated that Mitt Romney answer charges that he's moderated his positions: "How ...
Media Research Center

Networks Tout Hillary 'Falling on Her Sword' and 'Taking Blame' for Libya, Avoid Specifics

All three morning shows on Tuesday highlighted Hillary Clinton "falling on her sword" and "taking blame" for the growing scandal over Libya. But NBC and ABC avoided specifics. On Good Morning ...
Media Research Center

NBC Unearths Major Scandal: Paul Ryan May Have Washed Dishes That Were Already Clean

In a pathetic attempt to smear Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan ahead of Tuesday's second presidential debate, NBC's Today seized on a story in Monday's Washington Post ...
Media Research Center

After Claiming First Debate Had Little Impact, NBC's Todd Now Says Race 'Shifted Fundamentally'

On Monday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd analyzed the state of the presidential race following a series of new national polls showing a slight Romney lead: "Well, look, the first ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Lauer to Trump: Are You Happy Romney Moved 'Way Closer to the Center'?

Adopting Obama campaign talking points that Mitt Romney has dramatically shifted positions, on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer asked Donald Trump: "Are you happy with the Romney campaign ...
Media Research Center

NBC Brings on MSNBC's Maddow to Declare a 'Great Night' for Joe Biden

While admitting at the top of Friday's NBC Today that there was "no clear winner" in Thursday's vice presidential debate, minutes later, co-hosts Matt Lauer and Savannah Guthrie brought on ...
Media Research Center

ABC and CBS See Romney 'Gaining Ground' Post-Debate, NBC Claims 'Not Much of an Impact'

While the ABC and CBS morning shows on Thursday focused on a tightening presidential race following Mitt Romney's winning performance in the first debate, on NBC's Today, political director ...
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