
Media Research Center

NBC's 'Today' Spends More Than 11 Minutes Fawning Over Obama Late Night Comedy and College Tour

Throughout the Wednesday broadcast, NBC's Today repeatedly found time to promote President Obama as funny, hip, and connecting with young voters. Touting the President's appearance on NBC's ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Chuck Todd Uses Sarah Palin to Disqualify Marco Rubio as Potential VP

Appearing on Tuesday's NBC Today, political director Chuck Todd warned Mitt Romney against picking Marco Rubio as a vice presidential running mate with a negative comparison to Sarah Palin: ...
Media Research Center

After Weeks of Ignoring Bill Maher's Vileness, NBC's Today Freaks Over Ted Nugent's Violent Rhetoric

Everyone on NBC's Today show payroll ignored foul-mouthed comedian Bill Maher's $1 million donation to an Obama super PAC -- but NBC's Andrea Mitchell went to extravagant lengths on Wednesday ...
Media Research Center

NBC Touted Romney's Dog on a Car Roof Story, But Only ABC Notes: Obama 'Tried Dog' as a Kid

Of the three major networks, only ABC's Good Morning America on Wednesday covered the "dog wars" counterattack by Mitt Romney's operatives. Co-anchor George Stephanopoulos highlighted that the ...
Media Research Center

In Light of Trayvon Martin Case, NBC Panel Goes After Guns

NBC's Today's Professionals panel declared that guns, and not race, is the problem at the heart of the Trayvon Martin shooting.
Media Research Center

A Week and a Half Late, NBC's Today Finally Discovers Govt. 'Spending Spree' in Vegas

Ten days after ABC and CBS's morning shows covered a growing scandal at Barack Obama's General Services Administration (GSA), NBC's Today show finally discovered the "lavish" example of government ...
Media Research Center

NBC Medical Editor: Trayvon Martin Case Shows 'We Don't Talk Enough About Race'

In a statement totally disconnected from the reality of media coverage of the Trayvon Martin shooting, on Thursday's Today show, NBC chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman proclaimed that the ...
Media Research Center

NBC: Most See Prosecution of John Edwards As 'Waste of Taxpayer Money'

Adding to past reports defending disgraced former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards against charges of violating campaign finance laws, on Thursday's NBC Today, correspondent Lisa ...
Media Research Center

NBC's Curry Rips Ryan Budget: 'Where is the Empathy?' Won't Poor People 'Suffer'?

In an interview with Congressman Paul Ryan on Tuesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry slammed the Wisconsin Republican's proposed budget: "Where is the empathy in this budget?...Do you ...
Media Research Center

NBC's 'Today' Touts 'Mixed Reaction' to Palin Guest Hosting

On Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry informed viewers that reviews were in for Sarah Palin's Tuesday guest-hosting stint on the broadcast: "...we had a pretty interesting morning around ...
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