Newly appointed Sen. John Walsh announced he would not run for his seat in November after The New York Times exposed his academic fraud. Network coverage? Next to zero.
CNN tarred the Romney campaign with Todd Akin's infamous "legitimate
rape" comment, and now it is trying to do the same to Rep. Trent Franks
(R-Ariz.) for making a much less controversial remark ...
When the guilty verdict was handed down in the Steubenville, Ohio rape trial, on Sunday, CNN's Candy Crowley and Poppy Harlow painted the convicted rapists in sympathetic tones. Harlow emoted: ...
CNN's Soledad O'Brien distorted a pro-life
statement from Senate candidate Richard Mourdock by including it with
the Todd Akin controversy in a critical "Get Real" segment on
Wednesday's ...
Piers Morgan said on Thursday that the Todd Akin controversy supports
"the argument that the Republican Party is anti-women," playing into the
Democratic playbook. "I suppose the problem is ...
When CNN's Piers Morgan brought up the Todd Akin controversy in his
interview with Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Bachmann lashed back
that "you're reading directly off the Obama talking ...
CNN's Piers Morgan cast Paul Ryan's pro-life record on the
"extreme" end of the GOP and brought up Todd Akin to emphasize the
party's gender gap, but his Republican guest would have none of ...
CBS This Morning anchor Charlie Rose on Tuesday pestered Rick
Santorum about Todd Akin and tried to goad the former Republican
presidential candidate into bashing Mitt Romney. Highlighting ...
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos opened his Sunday show: “Good morning and welcome to This Week. Storms brewing. The GOP convention threatened by Tropical Storm Isaac and that political hurricane from ...
Michael Shear piles on Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as running mate and again links him to Rep. Todd Akin: "In the two weeks
since Mr. Ryan joined the Republican ticket, his work in the
House ...