
Media Research Center

Obama the Compromiser vs. Pig-Headed Republicans

CBS fawns over Obama ("It seems to be all the compromising is being done by you...") while blaming Republicans for "much of the gridlock" in DC. Also, Chris Matthews suggests nominating Gingrich ...

Times Watch Quotes of Note - Occupy Troublemakers Merely Fringe, But Tea Party 'Responsible for the Behavior of People' at Rallies

Plus: "For Children's Sake, Taking to the Streets" at Occupy Wall Street, Opinion Editor 'Alarmed' at 'Right Wing' Pushback on Cain Story, and GOP "a Danger to Itself and to the Country."

NYT's Tom Friedman Goes on PBS to Once Again Explore His Extreme Envy of Red China

In a new book, columnist Thomas Friedman continues to wish for more China-style authoritarian control in America: "We had Governor Ed Rendell, you know, criticizing the NFL for canceling the ...

Privileged Thomas Friedman Calls for People to Work Less, Own Less in Name of the Planet

Thomas Friedman, who lives in a mansion, calls for people to own less: "We will realize, [environmentalist Paul Gilding] predicts, that the consumer-driven growth model is broken and we have to ...

Obama's 'Deliberate, Almost Scholarly, Approach' to His Middle East Muddle

"At night in the family residence, an adviser said, Mr. Obama often surfs the blogs of experts on Arab affairs or regional news sites to get a local flavor for events. He has sounded out prominent ...

Columnist Tom Friedman Calls for Tax to Keep Gas at $4 a Gallon

Friedman denounced the proposed White House plan to use the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to curb rising gas prices: "That would rank in my top five worst ideas of 2011 so thing we should ...

Tom Friedman's Taxing Obsession

Over the years columnist Tom Friedman has written on the costs of the Iraq war, the federal deficit, the threat of global warming, and the uprisings in the Arab world, disparate problems that ...

Voters 'Don't Want' GOP to Stop Obama-care for Fear of 'Gridlock'

Also: Frank Rich stirs fears that radical right's anger will target gays, Latinos and Muslims.

ABC Touts Tom Friedman to Lobby for Taxes on Oil and Carbon

Good Morning America on Thursday again brought on Tom Friedman to lobby for taxes on carbon and oil. Talking to host George Stephanopoulos, the New York Times columnist urged Barack Obama to "use" ...

Delay of Cap & Trade a 'Disaster' and 'Travesty' Friedman Despairs, 'Shame on Republicans'

Reacting to news the Obama administration wants to postpone a vote on "Cap and Trade" in favor of immigration reform, on Sunday's Face the Nation New York Times columnist Tom Friedman despaired: ...
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