
CNN Highlights Assault on MoveOn Worker, Omits Assault on Paul Supporter

CNN devoted seven news briefs on Tuesday to an assault on a employee by Rand Paul supporters caught on camera outside the Kentucky Senate debate on Monday evening, but failed to mention ...

CNN's Blitzer: Delaware's Chris Coons a 'Moderate Liberal' Like Biden

CNN's Wolf Blitzer downplayed the straight liberal record of Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday's Newsroom, as he compared the former senator to Delaware Democratic Senate candidate Chris ...

CNN's Harris: Tough on Arizona Law Author, Soft on Left-Wing Activist

On Thursday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris played hardball with Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, the author of the SB1070 anti-illegal immigration law in the state, while not asking one tough ...

CNN Again Omits Pro-Illegal Immigration Stance of 'Public Defender'

On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris omitted the pro-illegal immigration activism of guest Isabel Garcia, just as his colleague Suzanne Malveaux did more than two months earlier. Harris ...

CNN Again Omits Pro-Illegal Immigration Stance of 'Public Defender'

On Wednesday's Newsroom, CNN's Tony Harris omitted the pro-illegal immigration activism of guest Isabel Garcia, just as his colleague Suzanne Malveaux did more than two months earlier. Harris ...

CNN's Toobin: Obama Not A 'Liberal Firebrand;' Heller Decision 'Activist'

On Friday's Newsroom, CNN's Jeffrey Toobin again used slanted labeling about the Supreme Court, shortly after Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement. Toobin stated that President ...

CNN: President Made 'Pants on Fire' Claim on Health Care; AP: 'Hyperbole'

CNN refreshingly called out President Obama on Friday's Newsroom concerning his false claim that "for the first saw more people getting health care from government than you did from the ...

CNN Gives One-sided Boost to Hate Crimes Legislation

Are homosexual activists really fighting for all Americans? What about the damaging repercussions of such laws?
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