
Media Research Center

NY Times Fawns Over Bill Nye: ‘Warrior for Science’

Scientific critics of Nye’s climate claims get no attention in Times profile of activist ‘Science Guy.’ 

Times Pushes Tornadoes As Economic Stimulus

Frederic Bastiat, call your office: "There is no silver lining to a funnel cloud, as anyone who survived the tornadoes can attest, but reconstruction can help rebuild local economies as well as ...

More Tornadoes Than Usual in the South Because of...Well, You Know

It took the Times a while, but an increase in U.S. tornadoes was eventually blamed on you-know-what: "But several groups of researchers have begun to ask if the country is seeing more severe ...

NBC Meteorologist: Cooler Waters, Not Global Warming, Behind Tornadoes

'Nightly News' anchor Brian Williams says 'smart' people say 'we must be doing something to our earth' to cause 'deadly tornado season.'
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