
CNN Dishes Up Pro-Regulation Feast

'American Morning' promotes 'Extreme' CSPI call for restaurant food labeling.

Philadelphia Inquirer Finds No Eatery Owners Complaining About Trans Fat Ban

Reporters cite restaurant owners as pro-regulation, but had ditched trans fats long before the new law passed.

Media Rely on Stories That Are 'Bad for You'

Sugar and spice and everything else are all supposedly harmful - except when they're not.

Networks Eat Up Food Police Message on Trans Fats

ABC, NBC highlight pro-regulation forces and compare obesity to tobacco.

Restaurants Left out of Stories on Trans Fat Ban

Network news ignored or downplayed criticism of New York City's proposed food regulation.

ABC Serves Up Bias against Starbucks

Anti-food industry radicals called a 'consumer group' in assault on coffee company.
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