
Media Research Center

Daily Beast Celebrates ‘Triumph’ of Soccer’s ‘Samoan Caitlyn’

Being uncomfortable with transgenderism is ‘sexual bigotry.’
Media Research Center

MSNBC Panel: Using ‘Women’ in Abortion Language ‘Excludes Trans Men’

Really. Someone said that. On TV.
Media Research Center

WaPo: A Woman won the 1976 Men’s Decathlon

Post article advocates for full memory scrub for Jenner.
Media Research Center

Two Gender Bending Reality Shows to Air this Summer

Shows say more about atrocious parenting than gender identity.
Media Research Center

NBC Nightly News: The Younger the Better for Transgender Kids

Evening news offers uncritical look at abnormal behavior.
Media Research Center

No Fooling: Salon Hails Swedish Dictionary’s Inclusion of Gender-Neutral Pronoun ‘Hen’

Liberal media want to know why English can’t figure out pronouns, but just a few years ago Slate admitted Sweden’s move was ‘radical.’
Media Research Center

Dan Savage: Charge Parents For Murder After Teen’s Suicide

Classic example of the left using tragedy to make political and social revolution
Media Research Center

One Week Later: Networks Still Ignore Houston Sermon Subpoena Scandal

ABC, CBS, NBC still disinterested in mayor’s attempt to infringe pastors’ rights.
Media Research Center

Hailing the First 'Great' Transgender TV Show

Hollywood loves to paint itself as rebellious, but more and more, it succumbs to a rigid orthodoxy. It’s gone from enforcing the Hays Code to enforcing the Gays Code.
Media Research Center

Heresy! Michelle Duggar Doesn’t Think Men Belong in Women’s Rest Rooms

Duggar’s statement on transgenders called “total bullsh*t,” “fear-mongering”
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