
As U.S. Leaves Iraq, NBC Proclaims: 'No Victory Celebrations, No Thank Yous' from Iraqis

At the top of Thursday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams sadly declared: "At a ceremony in Baghdad today, the Americans lowered the flag and it was a quiet ending to a war that went bad ...

NBC's Brian Williams Labels Iraq War a 'Tragic and Prolonged Slog'

Opening NBC's Nightly News on Wednesday, anchor Brian Williams touted the U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq as an Obama administration accomplishment while slamming the war effort itself: "The ...

NBC's Ann Curry to Joe Biden: With No WMD, Can U.S. 'Claim Victory' in Iraq?

In an interview with Vice President Joe Biden in Iraq aired on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry depicted the war effort there as a failure: "In a war that was started to protect the world ...

NBC's Ann Curry in Baghdad: 'U.S. Brings Its Divisive Eight-Year War in Iraq to an End'

In a live report from Baghdad on Wednesday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry described her arrival to the country with Vice President Biden: "Security is heavy amid an uptick in violence as the U.S. ...

NBC Touts 'Sober' Obama 'Fulfilling His Promise' of Troop Withdrawal in Afghanistan

On Thursday's NBC Today, chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd recited Obama administration spin as he gave a fully positive assessment of the President's Wednesday announcement of an ...
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