
Media Research Center

'View' Crew Love 9/11 Truther Jesse Ventura: Run for President!

ABC's mid-morning talk show The View has repeatedly featured anchors and guests who promote the debunked 9/11 truther movement. That tradition continued on Tuesday as conspiracy theorist Jesse ...

10 Years On: The New York Times and 9-11

After committing heroic journalism in the days and weeks after the attacks on September 11, 2001, New York Times journalists slipped back into partisan liberal patterns, blaming Bush for failing ...

10 Years On: The New York Times and 9-11

After committing heroic journalism in the days and weeks after the attacks on September 11, 2001, Times journalists slipped back into partisan liberal patterns, blaming Bush for failing to stop ...

Blame the Right for Everything: Times Ludicrously Labels 9-11 Truthers 'Right-Wing'

Right-wing Truthers? "...the station canceled [Bill] Weinberg's program...after he accused WBAI of promoting fringe right-wing commentators and conspiracy theories claiming that the United States ...

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times' Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories

Birthers vs. Truthers: The New York Times' double standard on conspiracy theories. While GOP response to a Times poll question on Obama's birthplace has caused anxiety and discussion, the paper ...

Birthers vs. Truthers: The Times' Double Standard on Conspiracy Theories

Birthers vs. Truthers: The Times' double standard on conspiracy theories. While GOP response to a Times poll question on Obama's birthplace has caused anxiety and discussion, the paper has ignored ...

Reuters' Freeland Refers to Gitmo as Part of 'American Gulag Archipelago'

On Monday's The Dylan Ratigan Show on MSNBC, Reuters' Chrystia Freeland labeled the U.S. prison system the "American 'gulag archipelago'." Her remark followed a discussion on the Guantanamo Bay ...

George Stephanopoulos Hosts 9/11 Truther Jesse Ventura to Rant About 'Nazi' U.S. Government

For the second time in less than six months, Good Morning America offered 9/11 truther Jesse Ventura a platform to hype his conspiracy theories and smear the U.S. government as "Nazi." This ...

9/11 Nine Years Later: United We Stood, Divided We Stand

Media help promote 9/11 conspiracies or revel in blame America rhetoric.

Editor Admits Paper's Van Jones Coverage "A Beat Behind"

In an online Q&A, Managing Editor Jill Abramson admits the paper's coverage of the Van Jones controversy was "a beat behind," puts the blame on Labor Day, not pro-Obama bias. It's not the ...
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