Appearing on Thursday's CBS Late Show aired early Friday morning, former NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine with host David Letterman and observed: ...
Talking to MSNBC Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough on Thursday's NBC Today about the Ukranian crisis, co-host Matt Lauer saw the Republican Party, not Russia, as President Obama's fiercest ...
Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NBC has been the only Big Three broadcast network to look back to President Obama ridiculing Mitt Romney for calling Russia a U.S. "geopolitical foe" in ...
CNN's Chris Cuomo ran to President Obama's defense on Tuesday's New Day, after former Senator Jim DeMint criticized the White House's handling of Russia's invasion of Ukraine: "Isn't the notion ...
On Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory
appeared to caution President Obama against aggressively confronting
Russia over its invasion of Ukraine. Teeing up left-wing Daily ...
Appearing on NBC's Today on Monday, New Yorker
magazine editor and former Washington Post Moscow correspondent David
Remnick fretted that the United States lacked the moral authority to ...