
Media Research Center

Obamacare Penalty Starts Hitting Taxpayers, Nets Ignore in 91% of Stories

Millions of Americans could face tax penalties, but could be surprised since broadcast media barely mentioned it. 

Uncritical Condition

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Uncritical Condition: Executive Summary

Network news fails to examine high cost and proven failures of government-run health care

Moore: Uninsured Dying Because They 'Hold American Instead of Canadian Passport'

Multi-millionaire socialist filmmaker writes check on-air to Olbermann's Astroturf clinic charity.

CNN Repeats Lie, Fails to Contradict Guest on 47 Million 'Uninsured Americans'

'American Morning' continues media misuse of uninsured statistics to promote need for health care 'reform.'

NPR to Stations: 'Avoid' Saying '46 Million Americans' Are Uninsured

Managing Editor confirms that 'guidance' memo was sent to members to stop making controversial claim.

Times Health-Care "Refresher" Just Same Old Liberal Talking Points

David Herszenhorn accepts dubious liberal premises about how the cost of U.S. health care is "rising way too fast" and talks in soothing terms of "reductions to slow Medicare spending" (don't call ...

A Tale of Two Uninsureds: President Changes Number from 46-47 Million to 'Over 30 Million'

Obama tells Congress in joint address there are 'are now more than 30 million American citizens' without insurance, but used 46 million, 47 million earlier.

Stolberg "Surprised" By Unsurprising Event: Wal-Mart Pushing Liberal Agenda

Sheryl Gay Stolberg also failed to quote anyone opposed to a Wal-Mart/labor union alliance pushing a requirement that companies provide health insurance to their workers.
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