
Post Writes in Solidarity with Striking Janitors

Story backs 1.8-million-member union against 'oil-rich city's business leaders.'

CNN's Velshi Slams Wal-Mart As Store Everybody 'Loves to Hate'

But reporter left out how voters think the company's practices aren't an issue for politicians to address.

Networks Push Government Health Care to Aid Ailing Detroit

All three broadcast news shows lament high health care costs; ABC promotes two liberal Democrats who favor increasing taxpayers' burden.

ABC Sacks Wal-Mart for Employee Lateness Policy

'Good Morning America' complains about 10-minute grace period, though repeated infractions are necessary to merit reprimand.

With Minimum Wage on State Ballots, PBS Pushes Increases

'Now' features worker who makes more than minimum, leaves out facts about economic impact of proposed increases.

CNN's Lou Dobbs Beats Election War Drums for Bigger Government

Anchor insists he has a problem with both parties, but his new book and town hall special confirm he favors bigger government to rescue workers "struggling to hold on to the American Dream."

Unions: Good Ol' Days or Part of Ford's Demise?

Network reporters yearn for the days of steady jobs, overlooking hefty pay and benefits demanded by unionized workers.

Networks Steer Ford Stories to 'Hard Times,' Ignoring Other Firms on Track

Broadcasters portray an industry running out of gas, but other automakers are doing well in United States.

Media Workers Unite for Hit Job on Employment

Not to belabor the point, but journalists rarely mention the hundreds of thousands of available positions in nursing, teaching and manufacturing.

Labor Day or Layoff Day?

ABC News leads the charge of bad news for workers, despite low unemployment and industries clamoring for more help.
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