
NY Times Marvels At Rwanda's 'National Health Care'

Report buries unavailable services, long wait times, reliance on U.S. aid

Dear NY Times: Krugman's Argument for Universal Care is Weak

Fees on business will lead to lower employee wages possibly making health insurance even less affordable.

Obama Pushes Gov. Health Care; ABC Responds with 'Prescription for America' Coverage from White House

Networks balance reports on AMA speech, but ABC outrages public with week of health care coverage, 'World News,' 'GMA' to be aired from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

ABC's Primetime White House Special to Feature ObamaCare Cheerleader Johnson

Network's medical editor never met socialized medical plan he didn't like.

Time's Liberal Bias Taught in Schools

Free news magazine for students promotes liberal ideology.

Letter to The New York Times

Do people 'deserve' universal health care?

ABC, CBS Praise Return and 'Reverse' of Harry & Louise

Broadcast networks incorrectly suggest famous opponents of universal health care now support expansion of government.

CBS: Universal Health Care a Moral Imperative

Reporter Priya David discounts the social and economic cost in promoting the Massachusetts mandatory health insurance plan

Reporter Says European Health Care Far Superior to "High-Cost" U.S. "Failure"

"If your latest battle with your H.M.O. has you pounding your head with frustration, 'Sick Around the World' on PBS may spur you to more drastic action, like leaving the United States altogether."

Earth to Couric: Personal Responsibility, Not Socialized Medicine, Will Save Lives

CBS promotes universal health care again, but other stories in the news show that common sense and healthy habits are the keys to driving down mortality rates.
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